January 2010

In January we went to Egypt for a week, cruising the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.

Getting there proved difficult due to the weather conditions in the UK but when we finally got there it was a fantastic hoiday.

I will post texts to the pictures eventually but for now you will have to make do with the sights on their own.

The initial pictures are from our cruise ship the Crown Prince and from sailing down the Nile from Luxor.

The Crown Prince
cruising on the Nile
Edfu stands beside the Nile almost exactly half-way between Luxon and Aswan.It was an important sacred site to the Egyptians because, according to ancient myth, this was where the falcon god Horus fought a fierce battle eith his uncle Seth who had cruelly murdered Horus' father Osiris.
The inner sanctum with wooden boat and in the background the polished altar Many reliefs were defaced by later invaders (Christians and Muslims) as they were afraid these Gods would be able to see them, reach out and catch them,
Kom Ombos ruined Graeco Roman temple is totally symmetrical with two entrances, two halls and two sanctuaries. This is because the temple is dedicated to two gods, the left side to the falcon god Horus the Elder and the right side the crocodile god Sobek.
It was constructed between the 2nd and 1st century BC. 
We visited in the early evening so some pictures are of the temple as seen with lighting enhancing the features of the beautiful buildings.
Colossi of Memnon

Alabaster factory
Last day in Luxor